Grain coffee
Grain coffee with pronunced fragance, acidity and medium body, sweet with berries and citrus.
+ Info
CAFÉ LA MOMPO Is a product of ROCIC S.A.S. Considering the privacity of our users and clients we inform that CAFÉ LA MOMPO and ROCIC S.A.S protect the given information by the users in this web page. If you have any question about this policy, please contact us:
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Café la Mompo wont publish advertisements of third parties, the advertisements present in the web page are offered by CAFÉ LA MOMPO and ROCIC S.A.S, those are focus on the presented services.
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Grain coffee with pronunced fragance, acidity and medium body, sweet with berries and citrus.
Ground coffee with intense fragrance, pronounced aroma, acidity and medium body, sweet, with some berries and citrus.